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We have recently created our own versions of some essential family history form templates that we all use in our research. If you have suggestions for improvement or for other forms we should develop, let us know here. We would love to hear from you. 

We have also included a data dictionary below to help explain some of the terminology featured on the forms. 

Pedigree Chart

Family Group Sheet

(Fillable PDF version)

(Fillable PDF version)


PDF documents:
  • Click on the 'pdf' image above.
  • Save/download a copy of the file on to your own computer. 
  • You will be able to print the files, and hand write on the form. 

Fillable PDF documents:

  • Click on the PDF image above.
  • Save/download a copy of the file on to your own computer. 
  • This is a fillable pdf document, so you will be able to type directly in to each field on the form. 
  • You will be able to save the form at any stage. 
  • You will also be able to print the form. 

Data Dictionary

This data dictionary provides clear definitions for key terms used in the forms above.

The forms allow for diversity in family structures and differentiate between social and biological relationships, highlighting the important role of genetics in tracing family history. By incorporating terms like "partner" and "parent," the forms recognise the ways committed relationships can exist within family networks.

Most importantly, these forms promote the respectful and inclusive documentation of all family types—whether nuclear, biological, social, extended, stepfamilies, adoptive families, or other non-traditional arrangements—ensuring that every family, regardless of its structure, is accurately represented and honoured.

Biological Family

A family formed where individuals are related by genetics (parents, children, siblings) and are not necessarily a cohesive family unit, but of course can be.

Social Family

A group of individuals connected through social roles and relationships which may or may not include biological ties. This may be the family household group someone grew up knowing.

DNA Link

A connection between individuals that can be traced through shared genetic material, typically confirmed through DNA testing.

Example: Two people share a common ancestor, which is identified through DNA testing.

This is a free field in the forms that can include text, or even the number of centimorgans you share with the individual (as an example). 


A person with whom someone shares a romantic, marital, or other relationship, regardless of whether they have children together.

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