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SAG Diplomates available for research support

The SAG’s research services are limited to resources we can access within our own collections. If you need research undertaken at another repository or you are looking to have extensive research done for you, we suggest you make contact with one of our Diplomates. These are researchers who have successfully completed our Diploma in Family Historical Studies and who are available for private commissions.

While the SAG recognises the academic standing of its Diploma as qualifying people to competently undertake genealogical research, it does not in any way indicate its view upon the commercial activities of the Diploma holder. It should be understood that arrangements made between the enquirer and anyone on the Diplomates list are a private matter between those parties.

Fees charged by professional genealogists vary considerably depending on the nature of the work and the agent. It is suggested that estimates for any proposed work should be obtained before work commences. It is also recommended that initial contact be made in writing by email clearly stating the work required so that an estimate of costs can be given.

All Diplomates whose names appear on this list have indicated that they are available for commissions as at the time of publication. You'll find the current list here.

Image: Unidentified photograph, SAG Manuscript & Image Collection Item 6/001254 

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Library - 2/379 Kent St, Sydney NSW 2000                       

Offices/Archives - 120 Kent St, Sydney NSW 2000 (Also our postal address)

Gadigal Land

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See our hours of opening for each building.

NSW Charitable Fundraising No. CFN/26276


+61 2 9299 5151 Library (during opening hours)

+61 2 9247 3953 Office            


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