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Quick look-up service

Need something checked in the collections but can’t come in?

Current members (including those living in Sydney) can request a quick look-up of an item held in our collections by downloading and completing this form and emailing it to us.

This service can be very helpful if you need a reference confirmed, saw a new accession in a recent journal you’d like checked or would like us to look up an entry in a cemetery record or parish register for you.

In addition to this free look-up service, members who live in the country, interstate or overseas are able to request up to three hours free research within our collection each year as a benefit of their membership. Additional work may be undertaken for them at the discretion of our volunteer Research Officers, and a fee may be charged for this. 

Further details of this research service will be found in the Member Area. 

Image: William Henry Denison and dog, SAG Manuscript and Image Collection Item 5/9775.3

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Library - 2/379 Kent St, Sydney NSW 2000                       

Offices/Archives - 120 Kent St, Sydney NSW 2000 (Also our postal address)

Gadigal Land

Location map

See our hours of opening for each building.

NSW Charitable Fundraising No. CFN/26276


+61 2 9299 5151 Library (during opening hours)

+61 2 9247 3953 Office            


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