meet the staff |
Activity of the SAG is managed by a small team on behalf of the Board.THIS WEB PAGE IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT |
Staff are spread across our two premises in Sydney throughout the week as well as working remotely. Use the Contact Us information to get to the team: with detail provided in each Descent issue. The Society's core office hours are 10.00am-3.00pm Monday to Friday with the Library open at distinct times - see All staff work Saturdays and unsocial hours to cover events and library opening hours. Below indicate their core days working though may swap out these days for evenings/weekend work. Gemma Beswick, Library Services Manager (Monday-Friday) Vanessa Cassin, Education Manager (Monday-Friday) Karlie Frelingos, Librarian (Monday-Friday) Ruth Graham, Chief Executive Officer/Executive Officer (Monday-Friday) Jessica Page, Administration Officer (Wednesday-Friday) Danielle Tebb, Membership Officer (Tuesday-Thursday) The staff are supported by contractors and the generosity of volunteers for further operational activities. |